I have so many lovely, lively memories of Aunt Menenza. After Granny Emily passed away, Mom and I used to stay with Menenza when we traveled to England. I remember the following memories: her dart board with Maggie Thatcher's picture on it; when she came to America and stayed with my mother in Florida and with me in Indiana; the sweater she knitted Marc that had a soccer goal with the net on it; the large dolls my mother begged her to knit; when she was "Big Teacher" teaching mom and I how to knit while standing over us with a stick; how she fell in love with the large, American transport trucks, and climbed up on one in her tight skirt to get her picture taken; when we sang on the stage at the Grand Ole Opry in Nashville; an evening when we she ran out of a fish & chip shop because the food didn't look good, and we laughed so hard she an accident on the sidewalk (that was hysterical even to her); her huge heart and love for animals; her fussing at us for eating Ivor Dewdney Pasties while walking downtown (They were just too irresistible to wait.); her cup of tea every hour; and her saying, "Oh my Gawd." I could go on. She will always be one of my favorite people and she will hold a special place in my heart.